Sunday 12 February 2017


Motivation; we all need it, yet we all struggle to find it. Even when we have a goal and a reason to get there, we often still can't get our butts into gear. We need motivation in every aspect of our life: school, work, health, socially.
The first step is working out why you want to change? For example, you might want to be healthier. But why? To loose weight? Maybe, but why now? To look good for a holiday or to fit in that dress for that event. Whatever it is, hold on to that. Remembering why is always key to staying motivated.

Visual Aid 
I find visual aid is a great way to stay motivated. When I was first trying to loose weight, I got a photo of myself that I didn't like and put it in a cupboard, to remind myself every time I wanted to eat something I shouldn't why I was doing it all. I also set my phone screen saver as a picture of my ideal body shape and size (I can't stress enough that if you're going to do this make the picture a realistic target, not something that is going to take you 3 years to get to). Another thing I found helpful was reading transformation stories, or seeing pictures it made me realise I could do it too. Inspirational quotes and sayings were also really helpful.
Be Patient
Don't beat yourself up because you haven't seen results as quickly as you wanted or because you took a step back, it doesn't matter. What's important is that you don't give up, that you're still trying. You need to remember to praise yourself over the little victories. If you wanted to loose a pound this week but stayed the same weight don't worry because you didn't put on a pound or even if you did it doesn't matter, just work twice as hard next week.
Make a routine. Having a routine makes it easier to stay motivated because you know what you're meant to be doing at every point of the day, making it easier to stay on track.
Treat yourself
Last but not least, reward yourself. Rewarding yourself is possibly the most important part of the whole process because this is what keeps you going the most. Always thinking of that treat you'll have. The rewards and goals are completely up to you, just remember you can't have those rewards if you don't keep going.

Monday 6 February 2017


I set a New Year's resolution. Now you may be thinking that's what millions of people do every year and it never works. However, 2016 was a rough year for myself as it was for many, but it gave me an unbelievable amount of inspiration and motivation to change my life. I was sick of waking up every morning looking in the mirror and being disappointed with the rut I was in.
I have been trailing this change for approximately one month now, I am seeing results already and I feel better in my mind and body. 
I am 100% about making changes healthily but am not a fitness instructor or dietitian, I am simply sharing my experience. 

I have been working out 4 mornings a week Tuesday through to Friday at 6am. My dad and I go to the gym together, which is the only way I manage to get up that early. My dad has a gym partner and I work out on my own, which I personally proffer (I have had gym partners in the past and find I end up chatting more than I do working), I might explain my fitness routine in greater depth in another blog post in the future. I also currently go to one evening class of spinning a week, which I only started recently but I thoroughly enjoy. I never thought I would like fitness classes but I actually do, the other people in the class are motivation to keep going even when you're tired.

As for my diet, I am simply trying to eat healthier. I am trying to cut down my sugar and carbohydrate intake, without stopping it completely. For example I try to always have brown carbs or swap them for alternatives, like courgette spaghetti or cauliflower rice. I find meal prep is the easiest way for me, I'm definitely not a great cook but Pinterest have some tasty, easy to follow recipes.
I have always been horrendous for not drinking enough water and despite trying I still always forget, if you're the same you can get an app on your phone that gives you reminders throughout the day, and you can track how much you've drank. 

I want to keep you updated on my progress as I proceed, in the hope that this will help you to change your life for the better too.