Monday 6 February 2017


I set a New Year's resolution. Now you may be thinking that's what millions of people do every year and it never works. However, 2016 was a rough year for myself as it was for many, but it gave me an unbelievable amount of inspiration and motivation to change my life. I was sick of waking up every morning looking in the mirror and being disappointed with the rut I was in.
I have been trailing this change for approximately one month now, I am seeing results already and I feel better in my mind and body. 
I am 100% about making changes healthily but am not a fitness instructor or dietitian, I am simply sharing my experience. 

I have been working out 4 mornings a week Tuesday through to Friday at 6am. My dad and I go to the gym together, which is the only way I manage to get up that early. My dad has a gym partner and I work out on my own, which I personally proffer (I have had gym partners in the past and find I end up chatting more than I do working), I might explain my fitness routine in greater depth in another blog post in the future. I also currently go to one evening class of spinning a week, which I only started recently but I thoroughly enjoy. I never thought I would like fitness classes but I actually do, the other people in the class are motivation to keep going even when you're tired.

As for my diet, I am simply trying to eat healthier. I am trying to cut down my sugar and carbohydrate intake, without stopping it completely. For example I try to always have brown carbs or swap them for alternatives, like courgette spaghetti or cauliflower rice. I find meal prep is the easiest way for me, I'm definitely not a great cook but Pinterest have some tasty, easy to follow recipes.
I have always been horrendous for not drinking enough water and despite trying I still always forget, if you're the same you can get an app on your phone that gives you reminders throughout the day, and you can track how much you've drank. 

I want to keep you updated on my progress as I proceed, in the hope that this will help you to change your life for the better too. 

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